I help leaders fulfill their purpose, live their values, and build new expansive cultures.

Let’s make it matter.

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Hello, I’m Susanne Funder - Coach, Consultant & Facilitator

I’m passionate about purpose-driven leadership. I help leaders become the best version of themselves to create an impact in the world.

For more than 20 years, I’ve been developing leaders in high-performance cultures. I’ve learned, felt, and understood what it takes to succeed and get to the top – and what it takes to stay there.

I believe when people are being their authentic selves in pursuit of their dreams – whatever that dream may be - they live fulfilling lives. In my career, I know firsthand what it’s like to struggle and choose to fit in instead of living authentically. No path is easy and smoothly paved, and every path is different. I am here to help you find your path.

I know from experience what works when developing leaders and what helps them change behavior. I use my life experience and theoretical knowledge to create lasting change in people.

I’m excited to help you on your journey. Let’s make it matter.

Are you playing not to lose? Or are you playing to win?

Are you playing it safe in your life or your career?

What is stopping you from achieving your dreams?

Are you stuck?

Are you searching for purpose in your life?

Are you longing to fulfill your potential?

Are you on autopilot?

Do you lack balance in your life?

Is the stress of everyday life weighing you down?

Coaching is a partnership


Coaching is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your potential. 

Coaching is about finding your unique way to a more fulfilling life. As a Co-Active coach, I believe we are all naturally resourceful, creative, and whole and that we have the answers we need within. But sometimes we need a little help, and that’s where coaching comes in.

I coach by compassionately and relentlessly challenging leaders to connect with their inner strengths, shift perspectives, and elevate their self-awareness.

How we’ll work together


The process - how it works

  • We start with a complimentary 30-minute conversation where you’ll get a taste of what coaching is and see if we’re a good match.

  • We then embark on a 1.5-hour discovery session, where you set the coaching goals, and we deep dive into you.

  • Coaching is typically 2 hours per month for a minimum of 3 months, recommended 6 months for maximum impact, or we design a tailored approach.

  • Our sessions are in person, via Zoom, or via phone.

The results - what you’ll get

  • A solid understanding and insight into who you are as a person and a leader.

  • A clear purpose and set of values that will help you navigate towards fulfillment.

  • Greater access to your inner strengths to help you make courageous life choices.

  • Awareness and a sense of being more grounded and connected with your authentic self.


It takes one to know one

It is a whole different game being an executive. Period. It also requires a specific skill set as a coach. The full effect of executive coaching can be felt when working with someone who understands the context and the pressure and who has lived it.

I’ve worked in top management for many years and know what it takes to be successful at C-level. I worked in C-level positional in large companies for over 10 years.

I also know it can be a lonely place. I offer you a confidential space for coaching and sparring to take your performance and life to the next level – or wherever you want to go.

Facilitation & consulting

I provide custom-made training and workshops where I combine my business acumen, leadership experience, and development experience to create impactful training experiences. I have been a trainer and facilitator for more than 20 years in Denmark and internationally.

Trainings or workshops are co-created with a common understanding of the business and learning objectives to create impact through activation, inspiration and curiosity.


Areas of expertise

Leadership and Talent Development

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

High Performing Teams


Personal Efficiency


Presentation Techniques

Train the Trainer programs

In any given moment we have 2 options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety.”

Abraham Maslow